LINE Messaging API Introduction

WISE provides the function to push text messages via the LINE Messaging API to one-on-one or group chat rooms. Users must first register a LINE Business ID and create a LINE official account to use this function.

Please Note: The Instant Message sending function of WISE is based on the LINE Messaging API service. If the LINE Corporation ends the LINE Messaging API service, the message sending function may risk not being able to work appropriately.

Import LINE Notify Setting

At the bottom of the LINE Messaging API message setting page, there is an option to “Import LINE Notify settings”. Clicking this will copy the LINE Notify messages and related settings to the LINE Messaging API settings, and logical rules will convert the action of sending LINE Notify messages into sending LINE Messaging API messages. However, due to the structural differences between LINE Messaging API chat rooms and LINE Notify chat rooms, users still need to manually replace the LINE Notify chat rooms with LINE Messaging API chat rooms.


  • After completing the import action, you still need to click “Save” to take effect.
  • Do not click import repeatedly, as this may delete logical actions that have already been converted to LINE Messaging API.
  • This import action can only be executed in either LINE Messaging API settings or Telegram settings, but not both.

LINE Messaging API Setting

Below are the message setting interface, chat room setting interface, and steps to create a LINE official account.

  • Line Official Account Application and Settings
  • Users must first register a LINE Business ID and create a LINE official account to use the LINE Messaging API message push function. The setup steps are as follows:

    1. Before creating a LINE Official Account, you need to log in to LINE Business ID using your LINE account or business account.

    2. After logging into LINE Business ID, you will be directed to the create a LINE official account page. On the page's form, fill in the relevant information for the account you want to create and submit it to complete the creation of the LINE Official Account.

    3. After the official account is created, go to the LINE Official Account Manager website to configure it. In the account list, select the account you just created.

    4. Once on the settings page, click the “Settings” button located at the top right corner.

    5. Click on “Account Settings” on the left, then toggle the function to “Allow account to join groups and multi-perion chats”.

    6. Click on “Messaging API” on the left, and then click “Enable Messaging API”.

    7. Enter the name of the service provider (enter any name you prefer), then click “Agree”.

    8. You can skip the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service by clicking “OK”.

    9. Once the official account is set up, return to the “Messaging API” page, input the following URL in the “Webhook URL” field, and click the “Save” button.

    10. Webhook URL
    11. Click on “Response settings” on the left, activate the “Webhook” function and disable the “Auto-response messages” function.

    12. Return to the “Messaging API” page, then click “LINE Developers” at the bottom to navigate to the LINE Developers page.

    13. Click “Console” to enter the configuration page.

    14. Select the service provider name you previously entered, find the official account you created, and click to access its settings page.

    15. Go to the “Basic settings” page, find the “Channel secret” information below, this is a necessary parameter for WISE configuration.

    16. Navigate to the “Messaging API” page, use the QR code on this page to add this official account as a friend and create a chat room.

    17. At the bottom of the “Messaging API” page, find the “Channel access token” section, click the “Issue” button to generate a token and record it. This information is a required parameter for WISE configuration.

    18. After obtaining the “Channel secret” and “Channel access token”, you can complete the chat room settings on WISE. This concludes the setup for the LINE Official Account.

  • LINE Messaging API Chat Room Setting
  • Chat rooms are the push targets for LINE Messaging API messages. You can add or manage chat rooms through the settings page. The chat room settings page is as follows:

    The settings steps are as below:

    1. After clicking the “Add new chat room” button, WISE will open a chat room ID recording window as below. Enter the Channel Secret of the official account to be used in the “Channel Secret” field and enter the Channel Access Token of the official account to be used in the “Channel Access Token” field. Click the “Start getting LINE chatroom information” button.

    2. Use your phone to chat in the chat room with the official account, and WISE will record the chat room IDs that have been engaged. After recording all chat room IDs, click the “Finished getting LINE chatroom information” button to stop recording chat room IDs.

    3. After adding, the newly added chat room will appear in the list and can be used as a message sending target.

    4. You can select a chat room and click the “Setting” button to enter the chat room settings page. In addition to setting the chat room's description, you can also click the “Send” button, and WISE will send a test message to the chat room.

    5. After you finish all the LINE Messaging API Chat Room settings, click “Save” button to save the settings.

  • LINE Messaging API Message Setting
  • In the message settings page, you can edit the LINE Messaging API messages to be sent. In addition to entering the message content, you can also include real-time I/O channel data in the message. Below is the message settings page:

    The settings steps are as below:

    1. Click the “Message” tab at the top right of the “LINE Messaging API Message Settings Page”.

    2. Click “Add new message” to open the LINE Messaging API message settings page.

    3. Input name in the “Name” field and you could also input the description of this LINE message in the “Description” field.

    4. Enter the message content in the “Content” field. LINE Messaging API message provides an encoded string for you to add current I/O channel data or Internal Register data into the messages. To make it easy to add the encoded string, WISE provides “Real-time variable editor”.

    5. In the “Chat Room” field, please specify the Chat rooms which will receive the message WISE send. WISE can send the messages to multi-chat rooms simultaneously. Users can directly click on the “Add new Chat Room” to connect with a new chat room.

    6. After complete all settings, click the “OK” button to confirm the LINE Messaging API message setting, and return to the Message Setting page.

    7. Repeat steps 2~6 to complete settings of all LINE Messaging API messages.

    8. After you finish all the LINE Messaging API Message settings, click “Save” button to save the settings.

LINE Messaging API Rule Setting

  • LINE Messaging API Action:

  • Users can send LINE Messaging API in the Action statement.

    LINE Messaging API Action Description Execution Type
    LINE Messaging API index N Send Send LINE Messaging API One Time