ICP DAS releases the upgrade firmware version 1.3.1 of WISE-523x edge controllers on 2018/11/xx. The new functions are listed as follows:
WISE-523x adds math formula editing function in Internal Register. Users can edit math formula in the "Formula" field of Internal Register. It supports to insert I/O channels to be the variables, and use the operators plus"+", minus"-", times"*", divide"/", superscript"^", left parenthesis"(" and right parenthesis")" to complete the formula.
Users can edit different formula in each Internal Register. WISE will calculate the results of all formulas repeatedly, and save the results into the corresponding Internal Registers for IF-THEN-ELSE rule checking or data logging.
Users can save the content of MQTT subscribe messages, or received Azure / Bluemix parameters into Internal Register for later use. The content must be a number, otherwise 0 will be assigned to the Internal Register.
For more information about WISE-52xx, please visit the following link: